International Media Research Society 2016 meeting summary

The International Media Research Society had her 2016 meeting in September again in Cascais, Portugal. 16 top experts in the world of Audience Measurement discussed the rapid changes, the effects of these changes, and the future of Media Measurement during 3 days. Leendert van Meerem was asked to make a summary of their findings and
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The Consumer and the Marketer, changing Relationships, changing Measurement?

In the past it was simple: you had television, radio, print, and a little bit of outdoor and cinema. All advertisers and media professionals started a campaign using 70% television and 30% supportive print and radio. The costs were defined in the exchange rate delivered by the currencies TAM, RAM and NRS that were available
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Inside Report of IMRS 2014

Leendert van Meerem 28 October 2014 The International Media Research Society IMRS is an informal club of senior media research people. They convene in the fall of each even year somewhere in Europe. This year 19 senior researchers and media experts from 6 countries spent 3 days in Cascais in Portugal to discuss current affairs
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Maarten Hafkamp van ADformatie interviewt Leendert van Meerem over het FOAM initiatief

  Het FOAM-initiatief is mooi, en goed dat er nagedacht wordt over de toekomst, maar ook een beetje naïef, zegt Leendert van Meerem, eigenaar van LVMR, media & research consultants. ‘Alles draait om de vraag: wie gaat wat betalen en wie heeft het meeste belang bij de resultaten?’ FOAM wil dat we als branche meedenken
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The Big Opportunity: Audience Research Meets Big Data

This is the title of the report Richard Marks made for the IPA, the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising in the UK.  It was published on the 20th of June 2013 and it is already a classic. It is compulsory reading for all of us in the industry. So first download it from the IPA
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New definitions, lower ratings.

The world of media is changing. Also the definitions, that were so logical and clear in the past are blurring. Take television, the definition of the media silo. It used to be a device, and all the programming and other content that was displayed through that screen was also known under the definition television. Than
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